This tutorial provides an introduction to using the APEX optical design and analysis program, with hands-on exercises, demonstrations, and lectures. Students follow the APEX workflow procedure to design and analyze a variety of illumination and imaging systems.

Course Overview
Students learn to apply the 4-Step workflow to accurately design and analyze common illumination systems, such as conic reflectors, lightpipes, and CPCs. The integrated SolidWorks(r) CAD capabilities can be used to generate a wide range of system components. APEX Wizard’s are introduced for adding light sources — such as LEDs — to system models, and for creating high-accuracy optical geometry — such as aspheres. Course materials based on theory as well as practical experience are used to drive corresponding hands-on practice sessions. Students learn how to perform radiometric and photometric analyses to assess the performance of optical systems.

Course Outline

  • Overview of the 4-Step Process
  • Creating geometry in CAD
  • Creating geometry using the Optical Manager
  • Applying optical properties
  • Refraction, reflection, absorption, and scatter
  • Basic radiometry and photometry
  • Total internal reflection
  • Fresnel reflection and transmission
  • Designing conic reflectors
  • Faceting reflectors
  • Designing geometry for reuse
  • CPCs, prisms, lenses

Familiarity with geometric and optical concepts is helpful but not required.
This Introductory Tutorial is a four-day course limited to 16 participants.