OSD Synopsys Version 16.018 版本更新

A new release (V16.018 and UI+ V2.018) is available.Upon completion of the installation of the current installer, you will find two applications in your SYNOPSYS™ folder and two shortcuts on your desktop. You can choose which one to use based on your own preference.The Classic Edition (V16.018) provides you access to the powerful and long ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen 2021 V2版本更新

ASAP NextGen 2021 V2更新版已發佈,請用戶下載後安裝,安裝前須先移除ASAP NextGen之前版本。更新連結下載資訊請與我們聯繫。此次更新主要是針對PATH指令在多核心平行計算下可完整計算顯示The PATHs command now collects and tabulates ray data from all processorsto produce a complete path table.  The SELECT may now reference the entrieson the path table to turn rays on or off on all processors.For example, SELECT ONLY PATH 2 will turn off all rays on all processorsthat do not ...(閱讀更多)


OSD Synopsys Version 15.91~15.101版本更新

Version 15.101New Features for both Classic and UI-Plus Editions:Two new operands are available. TSAG will calculate the local thickness at a given element at a specified fraction of the CAO, which is useful for molded plastic elements, which must not be too thin or too thick anywhere to avoid dimension changes. The form TYSAG is ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen 2021 V1版本更新

ASAP NextGen 2021 V1更新版已發佈,請用戶下載後安裝(安裝前請先移除ASAP NextGen之前版本)。 重要更新項目如下,詳細下載資訊或相關問題請與我們聯繫。   COATING TABLE The COATING TABLE command reads a table of real or complex reflectance and transmittance values, which may then be assigned to an object. The table is read from a text file that is supplied by users in the ASAP working directory. It includes values of reflectance ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen 2020 V2版本更新

ASAP NextGen 2020 V2 更新版已發佈,請用戶下載後安裝(安裝前請先移除ASAP NextGen之前版本)。 重要更新項目如下,詳細下載資訊或相關問題請與我們聯繫。   COATING TABLE The COATING TABLE command reads a table of reflectance and transmittance values, which may then be assigned to an object. The table is read from a text file that is supplied by users in the ASAP working directory. It includes values of reflectance and transmittance ...(閱讀更多)


OSD Synopsys Version 15.87~15.90版本更新

version 15.87 The update to version 15.87 incorporates the following changes: Features: Glass boundaries for GLM variables are now restored to the default when you change directories. A new system parameter is available. ILINE in the RLE or CHG file causes glass model variables to utilize a new set of index interpolation coefficients that are ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen 2020 V1版本更新

ASAP NextGen 2020 V1 更新版已發佈,請用戶下載後安裝(安裝前請先移除ASAP NextGen之前版本)。 重要更新項目如下,詳細下載資訊或相關問題請與我們聯繫。   COATING TABLE command The COATING TABLE command reads a table of reflectance and transmittance values, which may then be assigned to an object. The table is read from a text file that is supplied by users in the ASAP working directory. The text file includes values of ...(閱讀更多)


OSD Synopsys Version 15.84~15.86版本更新

version 15.84 The update to version 15.84 incorporates the following changes: Features: The GSHEAR option has been added to the MOM dialog, so you can easily add those operands to your AANT file. New operands IHH and IZZ will target the tangent of the incident angle of the requested ray. This is for when you ...(閱讀更多)


OSD Synopsys Version 15.80~15.83版本更新

version 15.80 The update to version 15.80 incorporates the following changes: Features: The keystroke to undo a recent lens change now reverts to the last WorkSheet Update version of the lens.  Before, it updated only when you exited WS. The Image Tools Menu (MIT) now has the option to show an image trace either normalized ...(閱讀更多)


OSD Synopsys Version 15.76~15.79版本更新

version 15.76 The update to version 15.76 incorporates the following changes: Features: The logic of the PAD scan (which shows the ray curves as the field is scanned from the axis to the edge) has been modified.  Previously, the program worked but suffered from the tendency of Windows to deactivate the view after a pause ...(閱讀更多)

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