OSD Synopsys Version 15.63~15.66版本更新

Version 15.66 The update to version 15.66 incorporates the following changes: Features:  The new version of object OBD has been revised.  The pupil from a real stop is rotated with skew field, and the new OBD will now follow that same rule, to make things simpler to understand.  ACON PICKUPS ... now transfers all ZFILE ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen V1 SP4 版本更新

ASAP NextGen V1 SP4更新版已發佈,請用戶下載後安裝(安裝前請先移除ASAP NextGen V1 SP1或SP2或SP3版本)。 重要更新項目如下,詳細下載資訊或相關問題請與我們聯繫。 User Interface Added Copy menu item to Console Output window context menu. Optics Manager Catalog Sources can now be loaded and saved in the Optics Manager. Added ability to save SDX with Lenses Catalog information and recall correctly from the Optics Manager. Added ability to shift/rotate Lenses Catalog ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen V1 SP3 版本更新

ASAP NextGen V1 SP3更新版已發佈,請用戶下載後安裝(安裝前請先移除ASAP NextGen V1 或 SP1或SP2)。 部分重要更新項目如下,詳細下載資訊或相關問題請與我們聯繫。 User Interface Added ability for File Manager plot subnodes to remain selected after click. Now prompts to save any unsaved documents prior to exiting. Optics Manager Changed default file format for Optics Manager files to be XML. Optics Manager files now load much faster. Updated Optics Manager input field ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen V1 SP2 版本更新

ASAP NextGen V1 SP2修正並功能加強,請用戶下載後安裝(安裝前請先移除ASAP NextGen V1 或 V1 SP1)。 部分重要更新事項如下,詳細資料可與我們聯繫。 OPTICS MANAGER Optics Manager now allows for the creation of multiple source instances and allows for linear transformations of sources The following edges have been added to the Optics Manager geometry list: Bezier / Character / Conic / Helix / Line / Oval / Rounded / Spline ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP NextGen V1 SP1 版本更新

ASAP NextGen V1 SP1持續修正並加強先前版本功能,請用戶下載後安裝(安裝前請先移除ASAP NextGen V1)。 有相關問題請與我們聯繫。


ASAP NextGen 正式發表

ASAP NextGen 正式發表 我們在此很高興的宣佈ASAP NextGen正式發表! 此版本提供全新的使用者介面並且整合許多功能特色於一身,ASAP NextGen重新定義了ASAP在光學軟體開發史上重要的一刻! ASAP NextGen 功能特色   Optics Manager光學管理系統 光學管理系統是一個全新的使用介面,它提供使用者一個類似CAD軟體中所熟悉的樹狀結構。使用者可以從簡單的選單或對話框中來完成許多動作,譬如建立光學曲面, 幾何實體, 匯入CAD檔案, 設定光學特性, 建立光源, 追跡光線以及光學分析等等。建立的系統會顯示在樹狀圖節點上,並且在3D圖中會自動更新反映出系統上所做的更改。在ASAP NextGen中,全新的光學管理系統功能可以簡單到僅用滑鼠敲擊來建立光光學系統並儲存,完全不需要寫任何程式碼!     Automatic Script Creation 程式自動產生器 程式自動產生器是ASAP NextGen在光學軟體界的另一項創舉。只要是由光學管理系統(Optics Manager)所建構的光學系統,ASAP NextGen將可以自動地將全系統轉換成程式碼。使用者可以立即地使用這些程式碼來加以修改並完成其他更複雜的工作,如多變數分析或是新的最佳化管理系統來完成最佳化分析。 Workflow Manager工作流程管理系統 此系統提供一個快速且容易使用的指令選單,給那些在ASAP NextGen仍需要程式編輯的使用者。指令可以在搜尋框裡面被找到,或著是在此系統的管理樹狀圖中依照建立機構, 建立光源, 追跡光線以及分析結果等ASAP四個模擬流程裡面被找到。選單被設計成很清楚地標示建構指令所需的完整資訊,連同ASAP線上協助對話框也是內建在此系統裡,且完成指令後即會自動插入在游標所在的位置。   Parallel + Remote Distributed Processing 平行計算加上遠端並行處理 鄭重介紹另一個ASAP NextGen用來加快追跡速度與計算的功能: 平行計算加上遠端並行處理。這個功能會自動將本地端電腦的CPU所有運算核心平行運算,並且同時遠端控制5台區域網路的電腦並行計算。換句話說,使用者能夠控制每台電腦所使用的運算核心數量。這項平行運算加上遠端並行處理的功能是ASAP NextGen的另一項創舉,並且讓ASAP NextGen在商用光學設計軟體裡面,擁有最強大的電腦運算能力以及最快的光線追跡速度。 Additional Features 新增功能 .全新GUI介面強化 .全新程式編輯系統 .全新系統設定選單 .全新函數, 使用者資料以及變數型錄 ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP 2015 V1 SP5 已發表

Breault Research is pleased to announce the release of ASAP 2015 V1 SP5 which provides fixes and enhancements to the V1 release based on customer feedback. The features affected include a fix for the problem with Rabetp due to incompatible libraries, the “Find Next” button was added back to the editor toolbar and a new ...(閱讀更多)


APEX 2016 V1 已發表

BRO is pleased to announce that the APEX® 2016 V1 release is now available to users with current Software Maintenance Agreements. APEX 2016 V1 advances the state-of-the-art in CAD-integrated optical software and makes APEX the standard for SOLIDWORKS users seeking an optical software add-in. New feature highlights include an option for anti-specular directional scattering (retro), ...(閱讀更多)


ReflectorCAD 2016 V1 已發表

Breault Research is pleased to announce the release of ReflectorCAD 2016 V1, which provides fixes and enhancements based on customer feedback. We have developed this upgrade to the software to meet ever changing technology. Those changes include an update to ReflectorCAD to work on a Windows 10 Operating System, a much improved IGES translator and ...(閱讀更多)


ASAP 2015 V1 SP4 已發表

Breault Research is pleased to announce the release of ASAP 2015 V1 SP4 which provides a number of fixes and enhancements to the V1 release based on customer feedback. The features affected include ASAP on-line help updates, ASAP licensing installer updates, 14 new sources added to the source library and a shortcut from the Start ...(閱讀更多)

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