A new release (UI+ V2.101 and V16.101) is available.

Upon completion of the installation of the current installer, you will find two applications in your SYNOPSYS™ folder and two shortcuts on your desktop. You can choose which one to use based on your own preference.

The Classic Edition (V16.101) provides you access to the powerful and long trusted SYNOPSYS™ Lens Design Software. In the Ui-Plus Edition (V2.101), we integrate all the features of the Classic Edition and wrap around it with an enhanced, streamlined, and workflow-oriented User Interface with the goals to allow new users to kickstart their designs with ease.

Paid customers with a valid support contract will now access this download via our User Portal.

If you are a paid customer having problems with the portal

If you need assistance, contact us at office@osdoptics.com and a team member will be with you shortly.


UI-Plus Edition (Version 2.101)
New Features:
1.  New charts for the Basic PSF Analysis in the PSF menu of Image Analysis:

Bugs Fixed:
1.ISO drawings:incorrect unit label for tilt in 4/ Centering; blank tolerance specification will be shown as blank in drawings instead of “-0.000/+0.000”
2.CODE V import: We made several improvements to the CODE V import including the followings:
• CODE V glass model was not imported correctly.
• CODE V glass name with GCH directive was not parsed correctly.